Where Will You Be This Summer?

Two parents teaching their daughter to ride a bike

Once summer rolls around each year, you begin to make plans about what you want to do. You know that you have responsibilities at home and at work, and sometimes those responsibilities take precedence over what you’d like to be doing. At EZ Storage® in Detroit, we know that life can get busy, and that’s why we offer affordable self-storage units all year round. Visit one of our metro-area locations today to learn more!

At Home

Summer is a great time to be at home, especially if you have kids who are on break from school. You finally get to see your kids for more than a few hours each day, and you want to spend some quality time with them before school starts again in the fall.

You might be able to work it out with your job that you can spend a few days at home each week, or at least work out of your home office once or twice a week. That way, you get to spend more time with the kids and plan fun day adventures such as going to the pool or visiting a favorite park or museum.

You can also spend time tidying up the house and organizing certain rooms (such as the kids’ bedrooms). As you box things up, you can put some into your local storage unit, while you keep other boxes in the house or take a few to a charity that accepts toys, clothes, and other household items.

At Work

Your job might keep you busy all summer long, which means you’re going to be at the office for most of the season. You enjoy your work, but it also means that you’ll have less time to do fun things like take a weekend trip to the lake or ride your motorcycle around town.

If your boat or bike is taking up space in the driveway or the garage, then it might be better to move it into storage for the summer. You’ll still be able to access your vehicle on any day of the week, and it won’t be taking up lots of space on your property. We have larger storage spaces that are perfect for motorcycles and personal watercraft, and you’ll know your vehicle is safe and sound all season long!

On Vacation

Perhaps you’re actually going to be able to take a vacation this summer. You and the family are going to hit the road for a few weeks, and you’ll be visiting relatives, going to theme parks, and doing all sorts of fun things. Since you’re going to be away from home for an extended period of time, there might be some items that you want to store for the summer.

Vehicles often top the list for storage, especially if you don’t have a garage. Instead of leaving your second car sitting in the driveway while you’re on vacation, you can park it in a storage unit and protect it while you’re away. Depending on how long you’re going to be gone, you may also have some boxes that you need to store. If you’re taking multiple vacations this year, such as week-long trips to see friends or relatives, you can store things for the season and then pick them up at the end of the summer.

Visit Us Today

No matter where you’re going to be this summer, EZ Storage® is here to help you find the perfect self-storage unit. When you visit one of our Detroit locations, you’ll be greeted by a staff member or resident manager who will gladly answer your questions and show you which spaces are available. Every unit can be rented by the month, and be sure to ask about the free* local move-in truck.

We look forward to helping you!

*At participating locations. Some restrictions apply.
