Storage Options in a New House

Front view of a two-story residential home with gables, manicured green lawn and driveway.

When you move into a new house, the possibilities are nearly endless with how you can arrange and organize each room. However, it’s important to keep in mind how you’re going to store those items that you don’t use every single day or don’t have on display in your living room, bedroom, or dining room. At EZ Storage® in St. Louis, we can help you find the right self-storage unit for anything that you want to keep safe, but not necessarily keep in your new house. However, for those things that you will be storing in your new home, this post will hopefully provide some tips on how to come up with the best approach.

Closets and Cabinets

The obvious solutions when it comes to home storage are your closets and cabinets. Hopefully each bedroom has a closet that’s of adequate size so that you can store clothes, shoes, and other items easily. Although, if you have seasonal clothes such as sweaters or jackets that take up a lot of space, it might be better to store them in the guest room closet rather than the master bedroom. It’s important to be smart about what is stored in each closet so you don’t have to search for things when you want to wear them.

As for cabinets, it’s best to take time to think about what goes in each one, especially in the kitchen and the bathroom. Does the master bath in your new home have a wall cabinet for towels, or do you need to store them in the linen closet in the hallway? As for kitchen cabinets, put the mixing bowls, utensils, and other items that you use on a regular basis in an easy-to-reach cabinet or cupboard, and store the platters, serving trays, and other seldom-used items in an out-of-the-way cupboard. You can sort things into the proper categories as you’re unpacking, and this can make deciding on storage go much faster.

Basement Storage

After you move in, there might be some boxes that you don’t unpack, simply because they have items in them that you don’t need at the moment. These boxes will likely get moved to the basement, and you may not think about them for several months. However, when you do need something out of one of the boxes, it’s better if it’s easy to find. Hopefully you labeled everything properly when you moved, and the contents of the boxes hasn’t changed since you moved into the house.

When it comes to basement storage, it can be beneficial to place your boxes on shelves so that they’re not sitting on the floor. Should there be a burst pipe that leads to a flood, the last thing you want is for your boxes and the things inside them to be ruined.

Garage Shelves

The garage is where things you only use at certain times of the year, such as summer sports gear and holiday decorations, are stored. It may also be where you plan on setting up your workbench, which means you’ll need storage for tools and materials. Whatever the case may be, investing in a sturdy shelving unit can make your garage storage much more organized and easier to access.

Garage shelves come in all shapes and sizes, and you can choose between freestanding units or wall-mounted options. You can also go with a combination of both, giving yourself the maximum amount of storage space. Things you don’t use or need often, such as holiday items, can go on the top shelf, while tools or sports gear can be stored on lower shelves. Being practical about how and where you store things can make settling into your new home much easier!

Renting a Storage Unit

When it comes down to it, storing things in your new home can be easy, if you take the right approach. Just putting things away as you unpack them can lead to frustration later, as you aren’t able to find what you need in a timely manner. At EZ Storage®, we can provide you with the right self-storage unit for anything that doesn’t fit in your new house or that you simply can’t find a good place for in your home.

With four locations across the greater St. Louis area (and two more locations opening soon), it’s easy to find a storage rental that’s close to your new house. We offer monthly leases on every space, as well as convenient access hours at every facility. You can visit your unit on any day of the year, and our on-site staff and resident managers are always happy to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.

If you’re planning to move into a new house in the near future, then visit one of our storage centers today. We’d love nothing more than to help you find the perfect self-storage solution!
