Putting Stored Items in Your Will

In our last post, we talked about that one thing that you’ll never get rid of, but as you reach retirement age, you may begin to think about what will happen to your belongings once you’re no longer alive. You’ve hopefully prepared a will that will designate which things go to which people, who has power of attorney over your affairs, and who is the executor of your estate. If not, it’s a good idea to speak to your attorney and draft a last will and testament.
When it comes to self-storage, the first thing to do is make sure that your family knows that you have one. If most of your immediate family lives far away, it’s a good idea to let them know that you’ve put certain belongings, such as family heirlooms, into storage. At EZ Storage® in Philadelphia, we can safeguard your items until your family comes to retrieve them, and we’ll gladly answer any questions about who can access your unit once you’re deceased.
Planning for the Future
It’s always important to plan for the future, and having a will that designates what item goes to which person is a big part of that. When your attorney is reading your will to your family, you want it to be clear on which items now belong to your son, daughter, grandchildren, and so on. If there are large items, such as a boat or a classic car, then you’ll want to include specific language that explicitly states what is to happen to those vehicles. The last thing you want is for there to be a dispute over your estate and your assets, and taking time now to plan for the future can help your family avoid problems.
Your Estate and Your Assets
Your estate includes all of the physical property that you own, such as cars, furniture, tools, and more. It also includes any houses and other structures that you own, but for the sake of this post, we’re only concerned with what may be in your storage unit. When it comes to your estate and your assets, you’ll want it to be clear who is in charge of your estate once you pass. That person (or group of persons) will have to prove that they have the necessary credentials to access your unit and retrieve the belongings inside, and our staff members will be more than happy to answer any questions you or your family has about this process. It may be necessary to keep your attorney informed so that they can provide the proper paperwork regarding your final wishes concerning your assets.
If you’re interested in renting a self-storage unit in Philadelphia to safeguard your belongings, then visit EZ Storage® today. We have four locations in the greater metro area, and each one has units that are available on a month-to-month basis. If you’re looking for space where you can put some valuable items so that they’re protected until your family retrieves them, then please let us know how we can help.
We look forward to serving you!